Monday, April 27, 2009

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Today I had to go to the bank to deposit a commission check and thought I would go on to see my mother since I was already halfway there.

She was in the Garden Room along with about 10 or more other ladies. They had just finished lunch. I said hey, how are you doing today? She answered ok. I’m just ready to go home. I said aren’t you having fun? A little lady right beside me looked up and said “I’m not having fun.” I said you’re not. Why not? She didn’t answer. My mother said I’m not having fun either. She leaned over to this other lady and asked her if she was having fun and that lady just mumbled something like I don’t know what you mean. Well, the nurse then wheeled my mother around the table and I thought to myself, wow what happened to the back of my mother’s hair. I took her back to her room and got her brush and started brushing her hair. I thought back to when I was a little girl and she would brush mine. I was thinking that my mother’s hair is getting thin.

I remember one time when I was little, my hair was always thin and my mother wanted it to look thicker so she gave me a “Tonette” permanent. Oh yes, it was thicker all right, the comb got hung in it and my mother almost didn’t get it out. I hated that permanent and I have had very few of them during my lifetime.

I asked my mother if she’d like to have another shampoo, set, and a haircut and she told me she would. Then she said, I have to go pee. It seems that in all our discussions she needs to go pee an awful lot. I told her I had to go back to work and I’d get someone in to help her.

Are we having fun yet? If you still know what “fun” is, do it now. Tomorrow you may not know what that question means.


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