Saturday, May 2, 2009

Real or Not Real

I went to see my parents tonight. I did my usual by taking my mother her pull-ups and my dad some chewing gum. I went into her room but she was fast asleep and I really hated to wake her up this late in this day. I was there at 6:30 p.m. I guess I need to back up and say that she spends most of her time in bed. She gets up and dressed and goes to breakfast with my dad. She returns to her room and goes back to bed until my dad comes to get her to go to lunch. After lunch she returns to her room and goes back to bed until my dad comes to get her to go to supper. After supper she returns to her room and goes back to bed until one of the CNA’s come to get her ready for “bed.” My mother told me that the doctor has told her she needs to get plenty of rest.

Well, I went down to chat with the CNA’s and I asked them if Geneva was doing okay. One of them began to giggle and asked me had she told me about the man being in my mother’s room. I told her that I hadn’t heard that one. She said that my mother came down and said please help me, there’s a man in my room messing with my heat. The CNA went back with her to assure her that nobody was in her room (my mother has a habit of seeing people who aren’t there) and would you believe it, there was a man in my mother’s room fooling with her heat. The girl said, well Geneva there is a man in your room. My mother replied that she had been trying to tell her that. Well, it seems my mother was cold and knocked on Luther’s door and asked him if he could fix her heat. He told her to go get somebody that he couldn’t fix it.

My mother had previously gone down to tell the CNA’s a few months ago that there were two men in her room. The girls asked my mother why would they be in her room and my mother replied that they wanted sex. There was nobody in her room that time. The girls told me that they always check to make sure and I sure am glad.

Then, they told me that someone had yelled to call the fire department that somebody was having a heart attack. Out of the room comes my mother telling them that everything is okay because Dr. Geneva is here.

I can’t make this stuff up. I have known my mother all of my life and have never heard things like this from her.

So another fun day at Summit View.


1 comment:

john said...

I know u can't make it up. My mom was the same way her last three years. It's heartbreaking to watch the woman who raised me not believe me when I tell her no one is stealing her prunes.(they were under her pillow)
Bless you!