Monday, April 27, 2009

Am I Really Going Crazy?

Some days I wonder why my life took such a sudden turn for the worse. It all started last year when the lump on the side of Charles’ neck started growing. No, I take that back, it started when my mother turned 80. It seemed she kept getting worse and worse and finally the ophthalmologist discovered my mother has macular degeneration in her left eye. To be an only child is terrible but from what I hear, even though there are several children in a family, it usually falls on only one child to do all the care giving. How am I going to continue to cope with this situation?

Every time I see my dad he seems to be ready to jump on me about not just one thing but a whole list. He doesn’t want to put forth the effort to try to solve one problem, go to the store, or just keep his mouth shut. He doesn’t like anything or anybody or where he is. I could go on and on but I’ll stop there.


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