Friday, April 10, 2009

VA Benefits for Assisted Living

VA Benefits

I’ve been trying to get VA benefits for my parents for the past year. It has really been an experience. There is only one lady who knows what benefits you can get and how to go about to get them. The first problem I had was finding this lady. They have her stuck back in a corner at the VA clinic at Eastgate. You have to get there early because you’re going to be sitting there a long time.

I thought my parents had been approved and was waiting for the first check, but after I made a phone call I learned that my dad wasn’t receiving the mail from the VA. I don’t know the problem, but I have all of his letters and he didn’t receive 2 of them.

Well, here I go again over there to see Lisa again. I don’t know how the government expects these 80 year old people to know how to fill out these very complicated forms. My mother doesn’t even know how old she is, much less be able to understand these forms. What do people do when they don’t have someone looking out for them? How many people don’t get the benefits they deserve because they don’t know about them? Why aren’t people informed of these things?

I would really like to help other people out, but I’m having a hard time myself to find the correct answers to all of these problems. Nobody ever told me that getting old would be this difficult.

I have to say that sometimes I think it’s better to die young, or die unexpectantly, or stay healthy. Well, I don’t think in this day and time anyone is healthy anymore. So what is the alternative?

I guess, go see Lisa for now.

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