Saturday, April 11, 2009

Falling Contest

A “Falling” Contest

Right when you think you have things under control, everything goes out of control. On the fourth of July I decided to stay home, and get some rest. It’s a good thing I did because the next morning Summit View (assisted living where my mother and dad are) called and said they had found my dad laying in the floor. No one seemed to know if he had come down the previous day for any meals and of course my mother thought he did and that he was in a really good mood and was sitting at another table. They got my dad cleaned up, he was flat on his back and had had a bowel movement. It must have been pretty bad because they threw his clothes away. The cat, Hobo, appeared to be really hungry. I had a 10:30 a.m. appointment so my husband, Charles, went to check on my dad and when I left that appointment I went on over to Summit View to check on my dad.

He appeared weak and a little disoriented but very humble and nice. I had talked to his doctor the previous week about his violent anger problem. I just couldn’t handle it. But, on Saturday I just felt an overwhelming sense of sorrow for him.

Well, my 2 p.m. appointment cancelled so Charles and I went home. Charles to eat what he can only get down now, Vanilla Ensure and I don’t even remember what I had. We had been home a couple of hours when someone from Summit View called to tell me that my mother had fallen and they were afraid she had broken her arm. Charles and I went down there again and the paramedics came and checked her over and felt that she had a broken wrist. We spent the next 5 hours in the emergency room.

We got back to Summit View at 9:30 p.m. I went up and told my dad that my mother was okay for now.

The next morning, Sunday, Summit View called me to tell me they found my dad in the floor again but he appeared ok.

You know when you’re a little child you look to your parents as your protector. Suddenly I am now in my 60’s and my parents are like toddlers. My mother thinks nothing about telling people she has peed in her diaper.

Why doesn’t anyone prepare us for this? It is very nerve wracking and it’s very hard to see my parents this way. I’m sure it’s just as frustrating for them.

The only thing I can do is try to remember them the “way they were.” These two people are not the parents I remember.

God help me get through this.

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